Menstrual Cups (a.k.a. period cups) can look a bit intimidating at first, but as soon as you master them, you'll wonder why you didn't discover them sooner. Moxie founder Mia answers your common questions about this curious silicone device (like, "what is a menstrual cup?" and "how long can I leave it in for?") and shows us a few of her fave folding techniques (Mia's hot tip: the narrower you can make the entry point, the easier to insert!).
New to cups? Stress less Moxette, we got you. Here’s Mia to guide you through the basics of these lil’ eco period game-changers. Watch and learn!
Meet your new planet friendly(er) period phone-a-friend. Available in regular (for light – medium flow) and super (for heavy flow), or in a handy cup kit with some handy period extras.
If you've ever laid eyes/hands on a menstrual cup and thought "how the hell?!", then this one's for you. Practice makes perfect (and also for more conscious living).
Your easy step-by-step guide on how to ensure your trusty planet friendly(er), reusable period pal lasts you years and years.
Having some trouble removing your menstrual Cup, Moxette? Stress less - we've got some easy fixes for that.
Leakage ain't fun for anyone, but it's actually super common, particularly if you're new to using menstrual period Cups. We've penned the reasons why you're Cup might be leaking... and what to do about it!