5 yoga poses to help with period cramps and other pms symptoms.

Yoga can help with period pain, and you don’t need to twist yourself into a pretzel to experience the benefits. This step-by-step guide will help you ease into 5 poses that can offer much-needed relief for common period woes.
We get it - your period might be a time when yoga couldn’t be further from your mind. Cramps, headaches, backaches, bloating, lack of energy, a drop of emotions, and feelings of general crumminess support why you’d sooner listen to an entire album of elevator music than roll out the ol’ yoga mat.
But we are not talking about hot yoga, standing on your head (inversions are not recommended on your period due to the downward flow of things), or full splits. There are yoga poses where a little goes a long way, and you might end up feeling some relief from all the uncomfortable sensations that ensue while menstruating. And, you don’t need to be flexible or have prior yoga experience to do them.
Still not entirely convinced that yoga is for you during your period? There’s science behind why yoga can help with pain relief. According to a 2017 review of 15 studies, researchers found that participants who’ve had yoga interventions or a regular yoga practice experienced reduced severity of cramps, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), and premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD), which can account for mood-related symptoms around menstruation like the blues. All 15 studies found reduced symptoms in pain. But how? The study's authors postulated that yoga affects the autonomic stress response and stimulates the release of the body’s natural pain killers. Sign us up!
For this simple variation of child’s pose, take a rolled-up towel and place it at the hip crease. Allow the knees to come wide and fold the torso forward. Rest your forehead on the ground or a folded blanket if your head doesn’t quite reach. The hip opening, as well as the compression from the towel, can help with cramp relief. Child’s pose can also alleviate pain from an achey lower back.
For this pose, start by lying flat on your back and taking your arms out wide to a T. Bring your knees into your chest and as you exhale, allow them to fall to the left. You can look up to the ceiling or look to the right if it’s comfortable for your neck. Feel free to place a folded blanket or yoga block between the knees for added support as you twist. To switch sides, bring the knees back to the center, and as you exhale, allow them to fall to the right. This pose helps to massage the hips and provides relief to the back.
From a seated position with your legs extended, move the legs wide until you feel a good stretch that you can maintain for a few breath cycles. Then, allow the torso to fold forward any amount, and your arms can walk forward as well. You might rest your head on a few stacked yoga blocks for this pose; resting the forehead down can help calm the nervous system. This pose is excellent for cramps, back pain, and leg pain.
This pose sounds like exactly what it is, and all you need is a wall. Do your thighs and legs ever feel achy or crampy during your period? This pose can help. To make your way into it, face the wall and try to get your sitting bones as close to it as possible. Then, extend your legs up the wall and rest. You’ll look like a backward L shape when you’re in the pose. This pose can help the nervous system relax, decrease anxiety, and improve circulation.

For your final resting pose, you might have a blanket you can cover yourself with nearby (the body temperature tends to drop in shavasana while you come to stillness). Lay down on your mat, taking up as much space as you like. Feel free to stick a rolled-up towel or blanket underneath the knees for back pain relief. Soften or close your eyes and stay here as long as you like. Take some deep long breaths and scan your body for any pain that might be lingering. With each exhale, visualise your pain dissolving. To come out of the pose, slowly bring your knees to your chest. You might rock slightly from side to side to massage the back. Allow the knees to fall to the right and rest in a fetal position for a few breaths. When you’re ready, use your hands to help you sit up. Sweet relief!
Feel free to stay in these poses as long as it is comfortable. Make sure to pay attention to your breath and body throughout your practice.
Photos contributed by our pals at Good Vibes Yoga, Melbourne. Find them on Instagram @good_vibes_yoga

About the writer
Xenia (she/they) is a freelance sex and mental health writer. She focuses on sex work, LGBTQIA+ issues, menstrual equity, and trauma. She holds a BA in writing from The New School. She’s currently based on the West Coast. Xenia enjoys hiking less than 10 miles, cooking vegan food, and hanging out with her girlfriend and rescue pup.